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I may never know all that you have

gone through

while crossing foreign territory

that clearly stated:

No Trespassing..

and though your body still survives

sometimes I wonder

if your soul will become victimized

by the hate in the eyes

of misunderstanding.

Leaving the house to mail off your

biweekly care package

I notice a different car parked outside of

Sgt So & So’s place..

his house is no longer a home

yet a drive thru..

but..who am I to judge

her weakness

when just last Tuesday

I daydreamed of wrapping my legs

around a passing stranger

as he jogged by

I imagined his sweat dripping

down on my forehead…

as I leaned in for a kiss

the image of your face

snapped me back into


I felt ashamed

shortly replaced by

anger, loneliness

and a weak spirit

realizing that I myself

has now embarked upon

unfamiliar grounds

as I go the distance

of our deployment.